Users can delete account from Riva apps by following below process, if user want to delete account from Riva, User should consider and note below terms& Conditions.

  1. User will not be able to track orders, returns and or exchanges.
  2. User will not be able to access any of shopping data in Riva.
  3. User will not be able to access your account in Riva.
  4. Riva Credit (Wallet Balance) will be lost (If you have any).


Steps to be followed delete account from Riva:

Steps 1: Login into Riva App by using WhatsApp mobile number / Email.

Step 2: Goto My Account

Step 3: Tap on My Settings in menu options

Step 4: Tap on Delete Your account.

Step 5: Select Delete account Using Email or WhatsApp Mobile Number.

Steps 6: Complete OTP authentication eighter entering WhatsApp OTP or email OTP.

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  • See order and shipping status
  • Track order history
  • Check out faster